Speed dating lethbridge
Dating > Speed dating lethbridge
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Dating > Speed dating lethbridge
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There previously was a distillery on carrying the same name, but it was closed around 1837, and its buildings were made part of. The Ardmore distillery itself is located close to Kennethmont, near the foothills of the Grampian mountains in the region of Scotland. The location was picked because of the abundance of clear water, peat and barley nearby, as well as the nearby railroad. When the distillery was established, it was powered by a single steam engine; a relic of times long gone that is kept on display. In 1955, the number of stills was doubled from two to four, and again in 1974 to a total of eight stills. In 1973, a visitor centre was opened, though nowadays the distillery is open to the public by appointment only. During the late 1980s the cooperage was closed. In 2002, the stills were switched from direct firing to indirect steam-heated stills. Ardmore was one of the last distilleries to use direct firing at the time. In 2005, the distillery was taken over by Fortune Brands, a subsidiary of Beam Suntory. Ardmore Whisky Most of the spirit distilled at Ardmore is still used for Teachers blends.